Application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.
To receive a refund or request a credit transfer, a written cancellation, revision, or change request must be submitted by the User Group or School to Community Schools 15 business days prior to the event date.
Refunds for cancellations due to inclement weather may be given if the User Group notifies Community Schools in writing (email is best) within three days of the cancelled date(s).
Refunds for cancellations due to school functions shall be given when Community Schools is notified in writing (email is best) within three days of the cancelled date(s) and school has confirmed the cancellation.
Refunds for cancellations due to emergency situations are reviewed on a case-by-case basis; written request is required.
Refunds shall not be given if WCPSS determines that the User Group is in breach of the Agreement.
Refunds shall not be given if additional time or charges were required to properly service a the event.
Refund requests may be emailed to a Community Schools / Community Use staff member listed in the Contact Us section.