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How To Rent

Step 1 - Submit Request
Step 2 - School Staff Reviews Request
Step 3 - Community Schools Reviews Request
Step 4 - User Group Reviews Confirmation
Step 5 - Signed Contract & Payment of Invoice
Event Day
After the Event

Download (doc, 60kb)

A non-refundable, non-transferable $35 application fee is charged for each reservation request submitted for Community Use of a school facility. The application fee is due regardless of whether a reservation request is approved and processed. In addition to the completed reservation request, User Groups must provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance - with insurance coverage of $1 million Commercial General Liability Coverage per occurrence and $2 million annual aggregate. The User Group name on the reservation request and the Insured's name listed on the insurance certificate need to match. The certificate must list "Wake County Board of Education" as Certificate Holder and Additional Insured.

Step 1 - Submit Request (Reservation Status: USER EDIT)

  • The first step to renting a school facility as part of the Community Use program is for the User Group to submit an Online Reservation Request.
  • To access the Community Schools Online Reservation System the User Group must receive a Community Schools User Identification Number (CSUID) and password.
    • Please remember that the individual/agency submitting the Online Reservation Request is the agency requesting and receiving permission to be on site and that said agency is not permitted to sponsor or serve as an umbrella sponsor for another organization's activity or event.
  • The Online Reservation Request identifies the sponsoring organization (whether it be a non-profit, for profit or commercial group) and the purpose of the activity or event to be held at the school. It also details the number of expected attendees and participants.
  • The submitted request should reflect the space(s) and equipment needed, with the exact dates requested for the activity. Space time requested should include the time needed for setting up the activity, activity/event time, the time needed to take down equipment used and clean up after the event.
Note: A one-year limit (July 1- June 30) exists on all agreements for the use of school facilities by a specific group with all such agreements ending on June 30.

Step 2 - School Staff Review Request (Reservation Status: PR EDIT)

  • Once the Online Reservation Request and any other necessary forms have been submitted, Community Schools will change the Reservation Request status to PR EDIT and send an automatic email to school staff stating that there is a reservation request to review.
  • User Group is now locked out from making changes, but can still view the request and its status.
  • School staff reviews the online request to determine if the space is available during the requested time and to determine if personnel are available to oversee and handle the request. The school indicates their recommendation of the request for approval (yes, no) and submits the request to Community Schools for review and processing.

Step 3 - Community Schools Reviews Request (Reservation Status: CU EDIT)

  • Community Schools will review and process the request per board policy. When a request is recommended for approval by the school, Community Schools creates and processes the reservation (Res. Number appears in Reservation Request Info).
  • Community Schools is the department that will create a contract, and other documentation as necessary, for the requested use. Community Schools will notify both the User Group and school staff via automatic reply email when the confirmations and invoices are available for viewing and downloading from the Online Reservation System.

Step 4 - User Group Reviews Confirmation

  • The User Group should retrieve and review the confirmation from the Online Reservation System. The User Group must indicate its agreement with the terms by signing the signature page and returning the signature page via email to Community Schools.
  • If needs have changed since the request was submitted and processed, the User Group must notify Community Schools in writing (email) so that Community Schools may change the User Group‘s status back to ‘User Edit’. This starts the process over and User Groups will be charged a $35 change fee.

Step 5 - Signed Contract and Payment of Invoices (Reservation Status: CU RES)

  • When Community Schools receives the signed confirmation page, Community Schools will review, sign, and return the signature page to the User Group.
  • User Group will be able to view their invoices for the entire event when Community Schools has received the signed confirmation signature page from the User Group. User Group will be notified by automatic email when the invoices are available online.
  • Payment is due 10 business days prior to beginning use as is stated on the invoice sent to the user group. Late fee is $35.00 or 10% of invoice, whichever is greater.
  • Payment methods: Online with MasterCard or VISA; Check or Money Order (payable to Wake County Public School System) and mailed to:
    ACCOUNTING - Donna Williams
    CARY, NC 27518

Advertising (Reservation Status: CU RES)

  • Advertising may begin after the user group and Community Schools have both signed the event confirmation (Step 5).
  • Verbal and written communications about the scheduled event or activity should include the User Group’s contact information: name, address, phone number, email address, web-site.
    Note: The Wake County Public School System may not be listed as a sponsor in your advertisement.


  • The User Group must email Community Schools to change the User Group's status back to 'User Edit' so that User Group may revise its request. This starts the process over.
  • If the change is prior to the request being assigned a Reservation Number, the User Group will not be charged a change fee.
  • If the request has a reservation number, User Group will be charged a $35 change fee.
  • User Group is responsible for the entire payment if it does not email its request to change its reservation 15 business days (three weeks) prior to the day(s)/times/equipment to be canceled.
  • Application fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Event Day

  • When on site, User Group needs to be able to provide a copy of their signed contract and paid invoice to school staff/security.
  • On the day of the event, a representative of the User Group and the school should complete the Community Use Checklist (Form 2900-CK) to assess and document the condition of the school site prior to and following its use. The checklist covers areas such as the cleanliness of the facility and whether requested rooms and equipment was available and in working condition.
  • The checklist also contains space for school staff to indicate if additional space/staff time was required to oversee, facilitate, set-up and/or clean up for the event. Both the school and the User Group should sign the checklist.

    Note: When additional staff time is needed, space time shall also be added. The User Group will be invoiced for any additional equipment and/or staff time with corresponding space time to service the event.

After the Event

  • Following the event or activity, the user group may download an Evaluation Sheet (Form 2900-V) to rate, comment on, and make suggestions about the handling of the event, the condition of the facilities and the application process.
  • If there is a problem with the facility, personnel or equipment while the school facility is being used, the user group should notify (email) Community Schools within 24 hours but no later than three days after the event to receive consideration.
  • If additional charges are assessed for the event, the user group will be invoiced for these charges. Occasionally, there is some lag time after the event before the school can assess and total all additional personnel expenses. This can delay receipt of the final invoice and make the total cost for use of the school site to be greater than the initial contract price.

Community Use News

Open Flame Restrictions

Any item emitting flames - ex. fires, gas grills, candles, etc. - are not to be used on school property.

Equipment Rental

Specialized equipment (PA systems, stage lights, etc.) shall be operated by school personnel.


Did You Know...

Schools are available for rental by the public after school hours and on weekends.


Did You Know...

Part of your rental fees helps pay for ongoing facility improvements at the school you use.

Space Rental

For each space there is a minimum two hour rental per board policy.