Steps for User Groups to Request Space at a WCPSS School Site
Download (doc, 50kb)
Go to Community Services web-site:
- Click on "Community Schools Community Use" (top tab on the left).
- Click on Community Use Existing User Login.
- Enter CSUID (on your invoices).
- Enter password (initially provided by Community Schools).
At this point, you should be logged-in. If you need assistance, click
"Contact Us" for e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
To request space at a WCPSS school facility:
Click the Reservation Requests Tab (at the top)
Click Add New Reservation Request
- Enter a Title - required (activity: ex. Summer Camp, meeting, recital...)
- Enter a Description - not required; use to add more detailed info or to request space or equipment not listed on their respective interfaces (see below).
- Select Facility - use [select] link, schools are grouped as elementary, middle and high schools and alphabetically within those groupings.
- Enter Attendance - a headcount of the number of adults and children expected at the event (required).
next button (located above user group name) to select spaces.
Click Add New Space
Select Space from drop-down list.
- To request multiple classrooms, enter the number of classrooms needed in the 'Qty' box (next to the space drop-down box).
- Classroom numbers are requested but not required.
- Select start and ending time (time you plan to arrive on site, include set-up, arrival, program, clean-up, and departure.
- Indicate am or pm.
- Community Use begins at 6 pm on school days with a minimum two hour charge per space, per day, continuous time.
- Select dates by clicking on the actual day, or the day of the week to select all of that day in a month, or weekends to select all weekends. The number of days will automatically calculate and show in the 'Days' box.
- Click the Save button (at top of page).
- Repeat these steps for additional spaces
Note that there is a 'Load Dates From' option that will copy dates already entered for a previous space.
Click the
next button (located above the user group name) to move on to the
select equipment step.
Click Add New Equipment
- Use the 'Load Dates From' drop-down box to populate the calendar with dates/times already selected for the spaces in the previous step, making any neccessary adjustments to dates or times.
- Specify the particular equipment item using the drop-down box.
- Clicking the Save (at top of pop-up window) saves this item. Repeat for different items or differing days or times, however similar items (eg 'chair') sharing the same dates and times should share the same line-item, just specify the quantity.
Click the
next button (located above the user group name) to move on to the payment-in-kind step.
Payment in kind section. For User Groups submitting an in-kind request to do field maintenance thus reducing rental costs.
Click Add New In-Kind Request, if appropriate.
- Select Space from the drop-down box.
- Select Type of work to be performed.
- Indicate Value of work to be done.
- Enter a description or additional information in the description box - if needed.
- Indicate dates work shall be performed
- Click the Save button at the top of the pop-up window.
Click the
next button to move on to the final step.
- Choose a Billing Cycle from the drop-down box (each invoice has a $35 fee).
- Check that you agree with the Terms and Conditions.
- Indicate that the request is 'Ready to Submit' (information will then go to the Principal for review) or save the request as a 'Work in Progress' (one can return to the request later to complete).
Clicking Save & Continue will display an overview of the request, to revise click the review/edit button (only available when the User Group has edit permissions as indicated by the status flag (USEREDIT, USERDONE).
When done, click the Log Out button at the top of the page.
Check out the:
- My Info tab to be sure the contact information is correct. E-mail changes to Community Schools.
- Reservations tab - gives history and status of reservations with links to confirmations and invoices.
- If you do not complete in one sitting, save the request as a 'Work in Progress.'
- Remember to indicate Ready to Submit when the request is complete, or we'll assume it's still being worked upon.
Let us know if you have questions or suggestions. Thanks.


Community Use News
Reservation requests must be submitted using Community Schools Online Reservation System.
A CSUID Number and PASSWORD are needed to access the system.
Prior to Advertising
Community Use events require a signed rental agreement prior to advertising.
Insurance Certificate
The Certificate of Insurance must list "Wake County Board of Education" as Certificate Holder and Additional Insured.
Certificate of Insurance
The renter's current certificate of insurance is required to be on file ten business days prior to the event.